Any way u could increase the acceleration and power seems to struggle getting up to speed and wont do it's top speed while working if u use the Extreme speed unlocker it can't pull fastening to gain speed
@didfarmer25 same as before it's not translated
@didfarmer25 i can't understand ur post can u put it in English please
So down loaded the new map and went to load in to it o. My old save and as soon. As I got i. A vehicle it frozen up and the only thing I could do was switch vehicles and hit the start button had to delete that save and start over.
@didfarmer25 means it can harvest any type of plant just like the cr11 multifruit one that I'm using now I just want more speed and for it to hold more the cr11 hold 100k this one is faster and holds more but is t able to harvest everything in the game
Any way u could increase the capacity and the speed for both working and non working speed also the width of the cuter if possible. Root crops take a long time to harvest 100k at 9 took me 8 hours to harvest 3.5m
Would be nice if it was a multi fruit type like the cr11 multi
Last time I downloaded the update the land I bought and cleared out all the
Trees was back the way it was as if I hadn't bought it. The trees grew and appeared in my house and other places wasn't able to get rid of the ones that grew in the house and what not and if Luke to delete the lake in the bottom corner more so I can have more land to place stuff or increase the fields but it won't let me says it's restricted area.