

17 de inscritos

Schon in meiner Jugend war ich leidenschaftlicher Gamer und teilte meine Abenteuer durch Let's Plays. Während meiner Ausbildung und im Job geriet das in den Hintergrund. Doch nun bin ich zurück!

**Freut euch auf spannende Gaming-Abenteuer!**

Hauptsächlich kümmere ich mich um **Maps**, also alles rund um Karten, Leveldesign und spannende Erkundung!
**Wünsche, Anregungen, Lob und Kritik sind immer willkommen**, denn nur durch euer Feedback können die Abenteuer noch besser werden.

Gemeinsam machen wir die Spielewelt noch aufregender! 🎮✨


Harrzox Harrzox respondeu a um comentário em um trabalho em andamento

Wiadomo kiedy premiera mapki?

@Pixellek hey sorry I was sick this week so I couldn't finish it completely. At the latest by the end of the week

Harrzox Harrzox respondeu a um comentário em um trabalho em andamento

Jak duża będzie mapa?

@Jakub2008 Hey the map actually has the standard size, there is also a 4x4 map planned. However, we are redesigning the map so that it still has its old charm but is better designed for multiplayer games. As well as more realistic

Harrzox Harrzox adicionou uma postagem a um trabalho em andamento
Harrzox Harrzox respondeu a um comentário em um trabalho em andamento

Mapka będzie miała większy rozmiar ? 4x?

@Kacper1206 Hey, it won't actually be a 4x4 map for the time being, let's see what awaits us in the future

Harrzox Harrzox respondeu a um comentário em um trabalho em andamento

I don't know if this would be a priority, but being able to buy lots in the city, little by little new factories are appearing and with that several points of sale, if it is possible to buy lots in the city to position these points of sale it would be incredible

@alaui007 Hey thanks for your ideas, they're great. We'll see what we can implement. Thank you very much

Harrzox Harrzox respondeu a um comentário em um trabalho em andamento

hey, im enjoying to play forestry.. is there a way to test play on this map before actual realising? so i can help you found bugs etc.

@MAN1JAK Hey Thanks for your offer, but we already have a lot of testers who are already testing the map for errors etc.☺️

Harrzox Harrzox publicou um trabalho em andamento