Hello, I'm GBF modding.
I'm a modder, I've been modding since 2015-16 and thanks to you and our common thoughts, we can implement our modifications in Farming simulator 22, be it a tractor, combine, car, or other mode, any virtual property.
@honved4 this mod is using an object of mine without permission and its textures please remove the tank
@IG1366 I would just like to add that I made this Reinke irrigation system fictitious, so such a version may not exist. But it is acceptable for a game, since this is just a game, anything is possible here.
I love the idea, especially with the realistic weather mod that has field moisture readings and affects the way grass dries to hay. However, the tank is only 5000l, and it goes through all the water in about 3 seconds.
@zbrufan813 This is my fantasy mode. This is how I use it, maybe it doesn't exist in reality. It doesn't matter, it's just a game.
@FILIPE A GAMER Non, ne sois pas en colère.