Leonardo bottoni

Leonardo bottoni

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Leonardo bottoni Leonardo bottoni comentou um mod

excellent mod, but 2 defects that I have found for now, 1 the headlights, their lighting does not cover 360° of the cabin, which it does in real life (just look at the positioning of the headlights on the cabin to understand the defect), 2 the adblue and diesel temp indicators do not work

Leonardo bottoni Leonardo bottoni respondeu a um comentário em um mod
Leonardo bottoni

Nice mod but lots of errors 😢                  1 a shadow in the tailgate,                        2 there is no chaff spreader but it does its job 🤷🏻                                                          3 The monitor is bugged  (and it's also.  in road mode, a very different screen.  from the working one),                               4 why is there that damn  iPad.    (. can you remove ait)?                                           5 LED lights even if they are halogen,  6 exaggerated price (you can almost  buy an JD X7 800 with those € , 100 thousand € less makes more sense, the real price barely reaches 100 thousand euros for a used model in IRLife) 
(7) A rare peculiarity the sound is not realistic, there is not enough hydraulic noise, but it is a simple peculiarity not a bug 🤏🏻 I hope they will be run because the mod deserves it 👍🏻

@Szymeq I hope because if you correct everything I said and give 5⭐ (anyway the combine does 33kmh not 30, now that I think about it)

Leonardo bottoni Leonardo bottoni comentou um mod

Nice mod but lots of errors 😢                  1 a shadow in the tailgate,                        2 there is no chaff spreader but it does its job 🤷🏻                                                          3 The monitor is bugged  (and it's also.  in road mode, a very different screen.  from the working one),                               4 why is there that damn  iPad.    (. can you remove ait)?                                           5 LED lights even if they are halogen,  6 exaggerated price (you can almost  buy an JD X7 800 with those € , 100 thousand € less makes more sense, the real price barely reaches 100 thousand euros for a used model in IRLife) 
(7) A rare peculiarity the sound is not realistic, there is not enough hydraulic noise, but it is a simple peculiarity not a bug 🤏🏻 I hope they will be run because the mod deserves it 👍🏻

Leonardo bottoni Leonardo bottoni respondeu a um comentário em um mod
Leonardo bottoni

Nice mod, I tried it, but there are 3/4 problems (nothing mechanical) 1 the.    headlights on the 8 series (like 8r) do a full 360° of the RT/r cabin. 2 the      green grille is on top of the hood at the bottom are very perforated (small symmetrical holes). 3 The fixed ballast is phantom, you can walk through it. 4 Last      problem the monitor it is always on, even when the tractor is   off (when the battery is  hypothetically off.                          Anyway nice mod!   If you will fix in       future what I recommended it is top    and you deserve 5 stars!

@Leonardo bottoni con i fari        intendo il raggio (la luce) cioè     non hai come dire angoli bui

Leonardo bottoni Leonardo bottoni comentou um mod

Nice mod, I tried it, but there are 3/4 problems (nothing mechanical) 1 the.    headlights on the 8 series (like 8r) do a full 360° of the RT/r cabin. 2 the      green grille is on top of the hood at the bottom are very perforated (small symmetrical holes). 3 The fixed ballast is phantom, you can walk through it. 4 Last      problem the monitor it is always on, even when the tractor is   off (when the battery is  hypothetically off.                          Anyway nice mod!   If you will fix in       future what I recommended it is top    and you deserve 5 stars!