29 de inscritos


LSETM  Jan LSETM Jan respondeu a um comentário em um mod

My Game stops at 89%.

@Galaxius13 hear! When / If you play with out mods out of the mods which the game need, you come in the game

LSETM  Jan LSETM Jan comentou um trabalho em andamento

Für die erste Map garnicht schlecht. Gabs nicht im LS22 mal eine Anfangs Map von dir? Schönes Projekt gefällt mir aber die Straßen könnten auch noch eine neue Textur vertragen😉

LSETM  Jan LSETM Jan respondeu a um comentário em um mod

My game does not load, it stops at 96% on Steam when it reaches loading vehicles

@CraigMcDiarmid Ohh, that’s not good, but i can say, my Map load. I think it is because your Mods

LSETM  Jan LSETM Jan respondeu a um comentário em um mod

There is an issue with the cow stable at field 40. It includes the cow hotspot, but even after purchasing the field, it’s not possible to add cows to it. I really enjoy your map, and I’d appreciate it if you could fix this. Additionally, I’m not sure if this is a mistake or intentional, but two of the  houses near the store have regular field grass instead of the grass from the building mode.

@Ecila Thank you, i will corret this