Lucky 1545

Lucky 1545

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Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 respondeu a um comentário em um mod
Lucky 1545

Beacon light will turn on automatically is ok, but can we turn it off whenever we need by using its keys

@Merq Yaa, Sharing is carrying ☺️☺️

Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 comentou um mod

Beacon light will turn on automatically is ok, but can we turn it off whenever we need by using its keys

Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 comentou um mod

Hey, can it pull any vehicle stack, because beeter winch doesn't pull all vehicles, it has limit of certain tons. I tried 👍👍

Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 comentou um mod

Hey, there is lots of errors coming as I open courseplay settings, it needs a fresh update 🤧🤧

Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 avaliou um mod
Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 comentou um mod

Can we use to tow vehicle?

Lucky 1545 Lucky 1545 comentou um mod

Mod not fround