

291 de inscritos

*Single developer

* Louisiana Native

*Disabled US Army Veteran


NewellGaming NewellGaming respondeu a um comentário em um mod

hI,its loanding only to 60% ,with no mods ,please fix :)

check your mods :)

NewellGaming NewellGaming respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Hi, that's a nice mod, however I have a question : How can we remove the fruit trees ? I can't demolish it in build mode since we pass trough it.

Also, second thing : Do you need help translating your mods in french ? Atm the translation is quite poor tbh (on all your mods that I tested). So I can help you if needed. :D

I would have to take a look at the mod. As far as translation, I use Bing/Google translate for translations. I don't know the least bit of French, or German, but I attempt to make the mods usable in other languages.