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Noraf replied to a comment on a mod

Frustrated kid🤢🤢🤢🤢

Wrong on both accounts, but that's fine, you just continue doing illegal stuff

Noraf commented a mod

Nice mod, but would have been better if the lights had been set up right

Noraf commented a mod

Would have been nice if the lights had been set up right though

Noraf replied to a comment on a mod

La version Modhub
Des petites corrections ont été apportées.
(Tipcol,Cailloux,Collision,Déco,Optimisation ....)

Pas obligé de recommencé une save, mais c'est fortement conseillé

North western part of F21, next to the radio tower there's a floating tree.
And, i really love this map, it's really good, so thank you :) And congratulations on modhub release

Noraf replied to a comment on a mod

elle existe deja j'ai deja jouer dessus

This is the modhub version

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