Skywalker Farms

Skywalker Farms

85 de inscritos

Hey there, I'm Dairydeere! This page to share my projects with the community. I specialize in North American dairy farming equipment for Farming Simulator!


Skywalker Farms Skywalker Farms respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Hey Skywalker, hope you gonna see my comment, I have a problem with your forage harvester... When I put down the pick up, he's going too war down so it lifts right side tires...

I'm not sure why it would be doing that. That chopper has been used by myself and others in the community for hours and hours with no issue like what you describe. I can only suggest that you remove all mods except that one to see if it's a mod conflict. Otherwise I'm not sure what is going on.

Skywalker Farms Skywalker Farms respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Is the 8000 series the same you posted here? Because i couldn't find a frontloader option in game. Unless it's always there and just hidden by simple ic which would make sense.

This loader is currently only compatible with the 8000 series I released on my page. Make sure you have the updated version since the loader mount was not available with the first release. I only have the North American version, so whoever is releasing a European version would have to include the mount for it to work.

Skywalker Farms Skywalker Farms respondeu a um comentário em um mod

top of bunker is something that never been original :D

Yes, they are definitely not original. The Maurer extensions are a common addition outside of the factory in the United States, I found a few auction listings of Lexions converted to the extended grain tanks and it offers a good option for those with large headers and high yields 🙂

Skywalker Farms Skywalker Farms respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Maybe US version?

I've already released a US version, you can find it on my profile