

19 de inscritos

Beginner Modder :)


TDawg262 TDawg262 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Looks good! Where did you get that New Holland TJ375 from?

Aw, that's too bad :( Won't be getting FS25 for awhile...

TDawg262 TDawg262 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Looks good! Where did you get that New Holland TJ375 from?

Ah, so it will never be public?

TDawg262 TDawg262 comentou um mod

Looks good! Where did you get that New Holland TJ375 from?

TDawg262 TDawg262 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

cat mod?

TDawg262 TDawg262 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

I have played since FS2008, appreciate this! Would love some Interactive Controls, but understand that it involves 3d-modding which is hard.

I'm glad you like it :) Been playing since 2008 as well, and these combines are really special to me...

IC may be a possibility in the future, I just need to figure some things out...

TDawg262 TDawg262 comentou um trabalho em andamento

Looks really great! If may ask or request, will you do a Claas Challenger at some point?

What it looks like:

TDawg262 TDawg262 avaliou um mod