

73 de inscritos

Just having fun on my spare time. Just like to create unrealistic things and learn new stuff


Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Well, the 1050's are all back to standard specs. No 1000 HP and no increased speed.  Maybe a clitch somewhere?

@Amischwabe i have not changed anything of the tractors, but i changed from 1000hp to max 600hp since version 2.0. Makes no difference on working as i've changed whats necessary to have the tractor faster and stronger. Max speed at 90kph. If you change engine from th 60kph to 90kph it wont show directly on the odometer, you have to push the speed higher on the cruise control to show the new speed

Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod

the corn header doesn't fold at all and it should fold

@Boomslayer fixed on the new update

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Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod

I'm using and for some reason the vehicles are not what's listed in the description. For example... the Vario 1000 I have in the store... is only listed as having 400 - 600 HP and top speed of 37 MPH

@MOTIONMAN HI, sadly i cannot change the maximum speed that shows in the store. The Vario1000 will go to 90kph, but it won't show it on the store, only 60kph. Buy the last engine and you'll see

Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod


vielen Dank für den Mod!

Mir ist aufgefallen, dass es ein Problem mit der Kollision am Boden gibt, insbesondere bei der Kuhn GMD 8730 FF. Sie versinkt immer wieder im Boden;(, da der Gras-Haufen zu hoch ist, was wiederum dem Traktor Schwierigkeiten bereitet.

Hast du eine Möglichkeit, das zu beheben? Oder vielleicht einen Tipp, wie ich das Problem umgehen kann? ;)

Danke im Voraus!

Viele Grüße

@Jojok93 Front weight. But every machinery i've found 30kph is the best working speed. more than that machines bottom out, and miss places, because the game is not meant to do that

Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod

La seminatrice funziona ma a scatti, c'è qualcosa che la rallenta che non sò, funziona tutto, metratura capienza e rullo, ma va piano, mi riferisco alla guida di assistente I.A. Prossimo atrezzo che ti consiglio di mettere nel pacchetto, viste le molte missioni è un bel aratro, manca nel pacchetto😁 

@Agaso thank you for your message. I'll keep you updated on the newest packs

Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod
tuneur76 blaylock

bonjour voila nous avons prix votre mod mais il rentre en conflits avec un autre qui nous permet de décharger des balles même quand elle sont pas plaine es possible de faire une fonction ou on peut désactive votre mod  ?

@tuneur76 blaylock im implementing an "on/off" switch for it. in the meantime sadly, you have to disable it on the mods page

Terrible Terrible respondeu a um comentário em um mod

La seminatrice funziona ma a scatti, c'è qualcosa che la rallenta che non sò, funziona tutto, metratura capienza e rullo, ma va piano, mi riferisco alla guida di assistente I.A. Prossimo atrezzo che ti consiglio di mettere nel pacchetto, viste le molte missioni è un bel aratro, manca nel pacchetto😁 

@Agaso as for ai i used the Roller so he could use everything. ill test that. I'll create different packs, for almost every category, as this mod is getting too big