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tmsaber tmsaber respondeu a um comentário em um mod

either something in this map or its a mod but i keep crashing when trying to play on this map after purchasing the 35k field

@tmsaber nvm tried a different field and it fells like about 10-20 min s after setting up it crashes

tmsaber tmsaber comentou um mod

either something in this map or its a mod but i keep crashing when trying to play on this map after purchasing the 35k field

tmsaber tmsaber comentou um mod

ai helper or atleast the gps steering XD would help

tmsaber tmsaber comentou um mod

my only problem is its way to loud

tmsaber tmsaber comentou um mod

game gets stuck at 98% when trying to load with coursplay active

tmsaber tmsaber comentou um mod

are you working on the ai helper and gps or are you gonna keep it all manual?

tmsaber tmsaber comentou um mod

i just wonder would it be possible to edit all the combines and the corn headers to just do wet rice for those of us who made huge rice fields