me quedan todos los contratos al 65% y no puedo terminarlos ni cobrar ni nada.. aunque coceche todo el campo y entregue el 100% el contador queda en 65% :( ayuda!
Help, after half an hour of playing I realized that it doesn't save my game... the sign says you can't save the game. Any idea how I can solve it?
@farmerfeuerfalke I don't know what's happening, unfortunately I can't play the map since I can't save the game :( and this only happens to me with this map.
Help, after half an hour of playing I realized that it doesn't save my game... the sign says you can't save the game. Any idea how I can solve it?
@raven2971 I tried loading just the map without mods and it's still the same. I'll try downloading the layer map again, it downloaded wrong, I don't know. Thanks for the response.
I really liked the map I only found in field 26 you have a shed floating in the air hehe
herbicide and fertilizer contracts do not work... I fertilized an entire field and only counted 20%