Publicado por KingMods
CaseIH 9230 Combine and cutter pack with driven front dynamic wheels with custom spacer. New wider dyeable wheels front and back, Drivenodes are on for all wheels. Differential changed, steering, brakes, torque and rpm adjusted, road speed limited to approx 34kmh, Harvesting speed with the supplied dyeable CaseIH3162 is 18kmh. Capacity 60000, volume width’s changed for fill, pipe and rear discharges, steering wheel speed reduced. Washable and Multiplayer YES, Wash time reduced and aerials fitted. Both the twin and single front wheeled 9230’s Cost 295000 to buy and 295 daily for the combine. The case header is 25000 to buy and 15 daily cost’s. Made from a new clean model. Log checked and no error’s.
Unzip the archive and you will have 3 zips, 1 for each machine to place into your mods folder.
Giants, Stevie