Holmer Variant 585

  • Holmer Variant 585
  • Holmer Variant 585
  • Holmer Variant 585
  • Holmer Variant 585
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Hello people,
Here I present you my Holmer Terra Variant 585 for download (but is a beta version).
I will make the days my hood individually for download so the modder can make themselves again with new texture ready.
This is only about the Holmer built up for manure or other are not doing.
Thanks to all who have participated in the model, a big thank you goes to my picture supplier David Linde.
I wish you a lot of fun with this beta version and hope to make you a pleasure to beta.
Whether a new version comes from kevin spark I can not tell you.
The Holmer Based on LS17 in terms of functions.

  • R&M modding