Эта незавершенная работа заархивирована. Это может быть связано с длительным периодом бездействия или с решением автора. Мы не можем знать, будет ли он обновлен позже или нет.
Hello everyone, the map will soon come to the end of the road placement
Information for v1 it will not have any relief, nor compatible with the maize plus
25 Fields for crops
5 Grass
2 Animal pasture
Maybe traffic
So shut them up
Cows: Ok
Pig: Ok
Cereal: 75%
Points of sale
With good sugar: Potatoes, beets
Meadow silo: Wheat barley oats rapeseed sunflower corn
Coming soon:
Road finishing
Addition of sheep and horses
Creation of controls
Small video tour on youtube
the basemap will be added
Mod season
Straw harvest
Dlc presicion
I love the LUA errors due to the animals so they will be done last, so I will attack the last routes
Cow farm made
Grain farm