Результаты поиска для mining

33 результаты
  • Locura CAT Mining Set
    8 585
    Комплект для майнинга на базе CAT R3000H и CAT AD45B. Были добавлены опции и исправлены проблемы из версии мода для FSMiner. Полная работа кода, гораздо более стабильная и без задержек. Моды Локуры: Все официальные моды LOCURA будут расположены в категории LOCURA в разделе «Транспортные средства» магазина. Оригинальный мод от FSMiner.
  • Western Dakota Mining Map
    10 419
    KingMods Logo
    Опубликовано KingMods
    Are you involved in mining or public works? This is me, why I created this card. Yes, you can still do farming by creating your own fields, but the focus is on mining and public works. Two abandoned towns are visible on the map. It is rather a village which experienced a landslide. The rubble can be cleared and all buildings destroyed. The second city is a little more spacious. It has a sewer system that you can access (the last photo shows a clear view of the sewer, in the game it is covered in asphalt). There are several holes in the sewers, some need to be dug, some don't. All buildings in town except the main gas station can be demolished. However, the gas station is in need of repairs and has trenches underneath that can be dug to allow the fuel lines and tanks to be restored. There are also a few other places on the outskirts of town where there are trenches that can be dug and used for the basement of a house or the foundation of a building or something. On the hill above the town is a small housing estate which was never completed. Houses can be cut down with a chainsaw or other tool used for felling trees. A tree stump grinder can destroy the foundations of homes. There are several mines. Some are open pit mines that contain a lot of life. Some are underground mines that must be dug. One of them is an underground mine with mountains of coal. And there is an underground bunker that can also be dug. Then there is a huge mine just outside of town from which materials can be transported and also mined. Or you can just knock down all the rocks and have a clear field. There's also a marble mine, because why not? My overall idea for the urban area now was to be able to raze it and build a new city. That's why almost everything in the city except the gas station can be demolished. Roads, sewers, ditches, the concrete slab that old vehicles and buildings sit on, all can be destroyed (I highly recommend destroying everything on the concrete slab before destroying it, otherwise things will float in the water). Air). The entire area can be razed and a new city can be built. There is also a mud in the hills near the town. I thought it would be fun. Two final thoughts: Most of the stones on the map can be destroyed. And there aren't a lot of trees, but there is a wooded area if you want to go through there. The map may have a little more, but that's it. Before I forget, there is also more snowfall on this map because the winter is longer since it is in the Dakotas. It's also a little colder and it's raining more. Now I must give credit where credit is due. The base of the map was initially Elk Mountain from Elk Mountain Modding. This is the base I will use for all future cards. The reason is that I adapted XML and similar to my needs. I'm no longer claiming this is a modification of this map, as the map has been completely transformed into something new. Yes, there are still remnants of his map, but the map is something completely new. The environment has completely changed, rivers and lakes have been modified. The geography is very different and the backend is incredibly different. But this map wouldn't be the same without Elk Mountain, so it deserves a lot of credit. Squigglels should be mentioned here. Sewers, many buildings, some coding, etc. were taken from their maps. Home and its edition of Elk Creek were very helpful here. I also created this map knowing that some of its mods would come into play. Without Squigglels, this map would be something completely different. The work they do had a direct influence on the work I did on this map. AlBork's PW should also be mentioned. Check out his YouTube, there's some awesome stuff there. Some buildings and trenches come from their maps. I also took a lot of inspiration from what they do. The poor guy who made the map of Mason County deserves a big thank you here. Some of their productions from this Mason County map have been implemented into my map. You can get them under the factory tab. What I wanted most was the caravan production which produced junk cars and which is now, with some changes, peacefully on my map. PapaSmurf modding should also be mentioned. The large mine on the left side of the map has been removed from the Mining Extreme map. It's a little different on my card, but after seeing it I knew I had to have it, which sparked many of the changes I made to this card. I'm sure there are some mentions I'm missing. To put this map together, I went through dozens of maps. After all, there are errors with this card. None of these affect gameplay. Some are leftover pieces of code that aren't in the map. These are mainly items that I have implemented for a future map, but are not implemented in the current map. This has no effect. Some errors involve items that are too large for the console. This is good because it's not a console card. None of the bugs affect gameplay and, like I said, many are just leftovers. The card works well. I will be releasing a save game for this map that will add vehicles, marble blocks in the marble mine, dynamic stones, and a variety of vehicles and production points. This is exactly how I started the game and what my vision for this game was. There will be a number of vehicles, conversions and changes that will accompany this gameplay. Finally, for this card to work you will need MudSystems and the Plantinum expansion. The Plantinum extension allows you to demolish objects. Using MudSystems, I added very little mud to the map. There is a mud in the hills. But I also added brushes to paint on the fields that turn to mud when it rains. So if you want a dirt road that gets muddy, you can paint it. And yes, it's a big file. For what? Because this card has a lot to offer. There are additional productions. Trees have been added. There are additional brushes. There's a lot going on in this card. But even though there are a lot of things behind it, it still works smoothly. Have fun discovering what’s out there.
  • Dalmyra Mining Logging Economy
    7 403
    Это редактирование карты Nonnus TCBO. Посмотрите изменения сами. Публикуем его здесь только потому, что он просочился. Добавлено много деревьев для карты лесозаготовок. Множество мелких изменений по всей карте. Исследуйте карту, чтобы увидеть все изменения! Загрузите Terrafarm, чтобы использовать эту карту. https://fs22.com/farming-simulator-22-mods/scripts-and-tools/terrafarm-v0-4-mce/ Ноннус одобрил мою загрузку.
  • Calm Lake Mining TP
    33 857
    сначала разархивируйте файл все, что вам нужно, включено - добыча золота, лес и дикая местность -две шахтерские пещеры -маленький город -sellpoints тп
  • Alpine TP gold mining
    39 226
    вам нужно сначала распаковать файл все, что вам нужно, входит в папку инструменты для добычи золота и золото много леса и равнин
  • TCBO Mining Construction Economy
    72 139
    FS22 TCBO MCE V4 Платиновая версия Предупреждение: эта версия карты работает только с Platinum Edition. Вам нужно начать новое сохранение, чтобы увидеть все изменения при правильных условиях. Вам нужна дробилка Terex V4 для производства угольной пыли и дробленого угля. https://sharemods.com/d9l6uvtvjosz/FS22_Terex_Finlay_Crusher_V4.zip.html Внимание на это: - Вы можете заниматься фермерством на этой карте, но вам нужно создать свои собственные поля. - На карте есть лесопилка для продажи древесины и щепы, а также множество заводов по умолчанию. - Помните, что эта карта имеет в качестве основной цели работу по добыче полезных ископаемых и общественных работ. Для полного опыта вам нужно играть с правильными модами (terrafarm, паромный пакет MCE). - На этой карте нет кучи материалов, поэтому без террафарма ничего не выкопаешь. Карта предназначена только для игры с террафармом, если у вас нет террафарма или он вам не нравится, эта карта не для вас. Если у вас есть какие-либо проблемы, пожалуйста, сообщите мне. Для этого вы можете использовать мой дискорд-канал: https://discord.com/invite/2ScJWXK.
  • Ricci Mining Pack
    11 950
    KingMods Logo
    Опубликовано KingMods
    Пакет майнинга для карты Ricci. ModPack содержит: Угольную шахту, Рудную шахту, Медную шахту, Гравийную шахту, Иловую шахту, Песчаную шахту и Соляную шахту.
  • Mining Construction Economy Terrafarm Edition
    64 459
    Это версия 5.1 карты MCE и, вероятно, последняя. На данный момент мое внимание на картах приковано к TCBO MCE для FS22. В этой версии вы сделали свою собственную шахту, как хотите. Я оставляю только небольшой слой материала, чтобы определить тип материала, остальное с вами ;) Предупреждения: - Чтобы вы могли копать литиевую руду, вам нужна версия мода Terrafarm, отредактированная мной. Вы можете найти здесь: https://sharemods.com/vvbrtmupsqji/FS22_TerraFarm_MCE.zip.html - Террафарм позволяет экскульпировать местность, обращайте внимание и не копайте близко объекты с карты, иначе карта останется странной с чем-то летящим. Используйте области, которые я отметил.
  • Mining Construction Economy modpack
    49 440
    Это первый модпак для использования на карте MCE. Очень важно распаковать файл .rar. Ссылка на карту: click_here У всех модов в паке журнал чистый, за исключением того, что у бетононасоса есть некоторые предупреждения, а не ошибки. Предупреждения не вызывают проблем с модом. Его полностью функциональный. Если вам нравится использовать, если вам не нравится, не используйте. Я рекомендую эти два мода играть на карте: https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs22/mods/lizard-mk-silo-tank https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs19/mods/lizard-mk-silo Вы можете использовать один для загрузки цемента, а другой - для сырой нефти, гудрона и воды. Посмотрите мое видео, чтобы увидеть, как работают моды.
  • Mining Construction Economy
    115 414
    Это первая общедоступная версия карты. Чтобы полностью погрузиться в игру на карте, вам понадобятся специальные моды, входящие в комплект модов. В этой версии я выпустил модпак с некоторыми модами, со временем появятся и другие моды. У FS Miner есть несколько модов, которые помогут вам играть на этой карте, и от него придет еще больше. Моды от FS Miner: https://www.kingmods.net/en/profile/fs-miner Наслаждайтесь картой. Мой официальный сайт с моими модами: https://fs-mce.pt/ Мой канал на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChkyEY1COY-jobgdKIje7lg Моя страница патреона: https://www.patreon.com/nonnus Мой канал разногласий: https://discord.com/invite/2ScJWXK Партнерская программа Giants: https://fs-mce.pt/giants-partner-program/
  • Volvo R-100 Mining Truck
    24 285
    FS Miner's Creations! Карьерный самосвал Volvo R-100 -72.000л Емкость -Можно закрепить натяжными ремнями -Имеют окрашиваемое тело Если вам нравится, получите, если вам все равно ... Посетите мой канал на YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FSMiner Поддержите мою работу: paypal.me/NGeorgios
  • Komatsu WA-900 Mining Loader
    23 184
    FS Miner's Creations!!! New Entry for FS 19 Komatsu WA-900 Mining Loader -Colorable Body And Design -Tension Belt Support -Custom Engine Sound -27.000l Bucket Capacity -Colorable Bucket Feel free to share at your sites but keep the original link ;) Model donated by Alex Hounsell Thanks Cyprus Simulation Gamers for the custom engine sound If you like get it if you don't who cares .... You are free to improve that mod , (there is no improve to make it colorable , or make 100k bucket) Just leave to get some download for some days first... Visit My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/FSMiner Support my work: paypal.me/NGeorgios