0 подписчиков


BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

could you convert to fs25

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

Super great mod can you try to make the new vaderstad seeder rapid 300/400

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

I cant paint any grass or bushes

BLAZER BLAZER ответил на комментарий к моду

this mod conflicts with southern sweden it dosent load in and the screen under the steering wheel is round the seats are loking like freaking plastic and you need to UPDATE IT

@Starlexs i love the mod but it could be much better if it had a update but it is a great mod

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

this mod conflicts with southern sweden it dosent load in and the screen under the steering wheel is round the seats are loking like freaking plastic and you need to UPDATE IT

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

you dont now have a 6480 look like the screen under the steering wheel is round and the seats need a update fix it and it wil be a good mod

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

can you add interactive control

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

can you pls make it without the lighs inside and out side only the deafult lights

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

Can you add interactive control

BLAZER BLAZER прокомментировал мод

Can u make a ingnition control