Half Assed Modding

Half Assed Modding

13 подписчиков



Half Assed Modding Half Assed Modding ответил на комментарий к моду

The headlights shown in the picture are from a 379, not a 389.  I see no 389 headlights in any of the pics, and why so many lights on the cab?  I know this is farming simulator, but man.

@OpaTim I load trucks for a living, and I've loaded many trucks with cab lights ranging from 5 to 13. 379 was definitely the best looking headlight by far.

Half Assed Modding Half Assed Modding ответил на комментарий к моду

Can you not put the version number in the filename?  It messes with anyone that had the mod previously.

@Boberholzer I don't know how long mods names stuff. Probably better to go grab my mods from itch.io.

Half Assed Modding Half Assed Modding ответил на комментарий к моду

The headlights shown in the picture are from a 379, not a 389.  I see no 389 headlights in any of the pics, and why so many lights on the cab?  I know this is farming simulator, but man.

@OpaTim there's options for 5 cab lights. That's standard. I gave the option for more since alot of people run more than 5 in real life. Also the 389 headlights are coming. I've seen plenty of 389s with 379 and 359 style headlights. Personally I don't like the 389 headlights.

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