John Harvester

John Harvester

37 подписчиков

Hey, Welcome! Subscribe to my youtube, it helps a ton!! 1 Subscriber helps me achieve my goal/dream to become a real farmer! So subscribe! I hope to upload every week! and i am just getting started with modding so they might not be the best but they will be the best of my abilities!


John Harvester John Harvester ответил на комментарий к моду

dont know if its just me being picky but the headlights and working lights seem so bright for me, is there anyway to tone them down? anyways it is a beautiful mod despite this.

@noahmff oh interesting. i haven't come across this but i would check your setting, and also do you have extended lights mod on? if so, this could be your issue

John Harvester John Harvester ответил на комментарий к моду

Nice mod !! :)

@Andrey1 thanks!

John Harvester John Harvester опубликовал мод
John Harvester John Harvester опубликовал мод
John Harvester John Harvester опубликовал мод
John Harvester John Harvester прокомментировал мод

Next I would love to see the corn shorter! I would like to be able to actually see out of the combine!