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Keano240 Keano240 ответил на комментарий к моду

Hi just a question this mod looks really nice but is the back trailer included also?

@DaanH thx i installed it and i love it! Just a request other exhaust options if possible?

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал мод

Really nice mod please convert to fs25

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал мод

Hi just a question this mod looks really nice but is the back trailer included also?

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал мод

Really nice! Really would like to see it coming to fs25!

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал мод

Really nice! Please convert for fs25

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал незавершенную работу

Looks nice but why no T7070?

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал незавершенную работу

Hello this looks insane  im so glad people are bringing out old machinery that brings a nostalgic look to the game! Really appreciate ur work!! Just an idea but can u make a Laverda M152 there was a farmer that had it and used it when I was youngh so if its possible it would make me really happy!!

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал незавершенную работу

Is this mod coming to fs25?

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал мод

When will the header be public?

Keano240 Keano240 прокомментировал мод

Good but change turning speed its horrible...