

273 подписчиков


Leando Leando ответил на комментарий к моду

Comment on peut faire pour enlever la déformation du sol x2 svp sinon super pack

@Nicolas In the install folder delete the shader folder and under maps the mapAS mapEU mapUS folders. then reinstall. uninstall - install.

Leando Leando оценил мод
Leando Leando ответил на комментарий к моду

Could you possible tell me which file would update the mud tracks on roads?

It appears it would belong in maps > textures > shared... but I don't see the shared file in the v.4 download.

Thank you for your time.

@DrivingMeCrazy idk i the tracks just startet working for me again, idk why, sorry

Leando Leando ответил на комментарий к моду

Es ist ein richtig geiles Texture-Pack, aber man fährt leider wie auf Eis... Sonst 5 Sterne aber man kann so nicht spielen leider. Bitte um Hilfe👋

@Marlin Lies den angepinnten Kommentar

Leando Leando ответил на комментарий к моду

Why do tractors slide like that? It's horrible. Why change the physics? The tractor slides in every turn... can you fix this?

@allano Read the pinned Comment.