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ORitsme ORitsme ответил на комментарий к моду

STOLEN AND LEAKED!!! You even removed the hubs!!! What a dumbass!!

@Bronkema who is the original creator?

ORitsme ORitsme ответил на комментарий к моду

Bonjour, est-ce possible de m'expliquer comment installer le bati de chargeur sur le tracteur ?
Si ya moyen de faire un tuto vidéo sa serrait extra ^^
Merci et bon jeux ^^

Hello, is it possible to explain to me how to install the loader frame on the tractor?

@FredoFarmer85 you have to install it via giants editor

ORitsme ORitsme прокомментировал мод

please use sharemods. this website is giving me a bunch of scam ads.

ORitsme ORitsme прокомментировал мод

i think there might be some spelling issues with the text on the back

ORitsme ORitsme ответил на комментарий к моду

hi can you please make possible to use a differnt download site as i dont trust the fact that i put in 0 and it comes up with money. I belive that this is a really good mod looking at the pictures and reading the comments and would love to use however that is stopping me thank you.

@enzo.cat its safe. it doesnt need u to put in credit card info so it cant take any money from u.

ORitsme ORitsme прокомментировал мод

is this coming to fs25/ls25?

ORitsme ORitsme прокомментировал мод

is this realistic? does the 6r have a 2wd version irl?

ORitsme ORitsme ответил на комментарий к моду

how much ram is required?

@ricobab oh thats alot

ORitsme ORitsme прокомментировал мод

how much ram is required?

ORitsme ORitsme прокомментировал мод

does it have a vehicle shop and stuff to make it work?