

7 подписчиков

MrUnknowed but just changed my name :)
techtoker and FS modder (aint that good but ok)


OviC OviC ответил на комментарий к моду

Ciao, bellissima MOD!!! Sarà possibile avere anche il colore rosso per la carrozzeria da usare con il modello Fiatagri?

@Iccino ciao, non so come aggiungere, ma penso che qualcuno fara una mod con il cambio colore.

OviC OviC опубликовал мод
OviC OviC опубликовал мод
OviC OviC ответил на комментарий к моду

Not best obviously is glitched as hell but not to bad for it been a first conversion ig. keep going with learning to add collisions etc

@Moocow001 thank you. your the only person that did not commented hate. thank you...

OviC OviC оценил мод
OviC OviC ответил на комментарий к моду
Kiki le cheminot

A big shit , no sound , no lights , errors and warnings ....

@Kiki le cheminot man this is my first time converting. i havent converted and worked on any else mod.

OviC OviC опубликовал мод