

42 подписчиков

Breaker of Games, Annoyer of people, Crusher of gate-keepers :P

I basically only make mods that add-to, change, altar or remove functions of the core game and pretty much only make mods for myself that fit my playstyle/likes/interests - all my mods will be public release but requests I'm unlikely to accept since I prefer to make things that I want to make - will occasionally do map edits

CW: Some mods posted by me will be ports of older mods from older FS games, if your triggered by the idea of someone adapting someone else's mods or simply porting them over then I suggest you scroll on by, I also tend to have readable/simple code so people can actually learn something instead of the majority of modders who try their best to obfuscate their code like no tomorrow

** Exclusively posting on KingMods, accept no imitations ** - will not post to modhub either (since I prefer having choice instead of being limited to 1 mod for 1 idea and thus no one else can post their own take/version)


PawMan420 PawMan420 прокомментировал мод

i also see zero difference

PawMan420 PawMan420 ответил на комментарий к моду

Could you do this with the map "Silverrun Forest"? just saying.

@TnkFS22 erm, im 90% certain the editor doesnt let people open dlc maps - i'll look into though for sure

PawMan420 PawMan420 оценил мод
PawMan420 PawMan420 оценил мод
PawMan420 PawMan420 оценил мод
PawMan420 PawMan420 ответил на комментарий к моду
Canal do Boy

Would anything need to be changed in the mod? I did a test and it only unlocked to get more money, I took 1,000,000 but it's only charging me 3,333 in interest, if 150,000 costs 13,100 + 900, something is wrong, waiting for a response.

@PawMan420 oh and maybe its worth mentioning, if your tracking your interest via the in-game menu then that only will show the base game interest - my mod directly changes the money value in the farm table so its server compatible, it doesnt send a change_money request to the game engine (doing it that way has been giving me alot of issues sadly)