

94 подписчиков


thierry69 thierry69 ответил на комментарий к моду

salut, après test il faut sortir deux fois quand tu quitte la partie?  
A tu l'intention de crée un centre ville ?
le champ 171 est cool pour crée une ferme mais la route est très étroite 😉
Merci pour ton boulot

@kounak je cherche une solution quand tu quitte la maps pour le centre ville je sais pas ou le mettre et pour la route j'ai un peu fais expres

thierry69 thierry69 обновил мод
thierry69 thierry69 ответил на комментарий к моду

one more bug to sort is when you quit death valley you have to quit it twice, not sure if mod conflict or something else


thierry69 thierry69 ответил на комментарий к моду

J'adore, détaillée et très originale, je n'ai pas pus sauvegarde ? surement conflit de mes mods, j 'attend avec impatience les future mise a jours ,merci pour le partage continue tu bosse super bien

@kounak merci bien j'ai eu aucun retour sur un probleme de sauvegarde et la maj arrive bientot

thierry69 thierry69 оценил мод
thierry69 thierry69 ответил на комментарий к моду
Warren Beliban

Superbe map!!! Au top !!

@Warren Beliban merci

thierry69 thierry69 ответил на комментарий к моду

Very nice map, the type of map I have been waiting for, love the variation in flat areas and very bumpy hills, and for a beta, I can't wait to see where this is going ;)

You made a lot of effort into the starting farm, no doubt there, like where you put the honey storage and the fact that there is a washer right from the start only makes sense, and the fact that there is a washer from the start, only makes sense when there is machines.

PLEASE don’t read this list as complaints, love the map, the list is just a list of observations and ideas for you to grab into when not knowing what to do next ;D

List of my inputs and observations (you might know them already).

2. People like when they can delete everything on the main farm, just to adjust it to their playstyle with their own mods if needed

3. The main roads need some adjusting according to splines, in some places the traffic drives with one wheel in the grass, if it is your intention, that’s great, otherwise it might be looked at

4. Some of the main roads are very bumpy, and need smoothing out (Don't change the dirt roads in the hills too much, I believe it's a good thing that they are bumpy and not all smooth, it makes it natural)

5. If the map overview could have the roads and railway marked a little better, that might help people get around a bit better

6. Regarding the starting equipment, is it your intension to go with bigger machines, I think you might be able to adjust it down a little bit, and maybe make it so instead of owning field 2 and 3, you might own field 1 and maybe field 2 also

7. The silo on the farm is placed just a tad to close to edge and bunker, with this much space elsewhere it doesn’t feel right to crank the tractor all the way to the edge, back into the silo, or drive through the bunker, just to be able to unload

8. According to the cow stable in the valley, it makes good sense to have cows there, but it could, in my opinion, just be a cow pasture that starts in the corner of field 1, and then fills the valley with cows on open grass

9. Love the farmhouse area, but instead of a bunch of trees there, maybe implement a “garden” mod to grow vegetables instead of the small split field at the house, and maybe make a road going from the farmhouse up to field one where the trees are now

10. Can’t make up my mind if it would make more sense to have the shop more centered in the map, but could be an idea if you have a “Build you own farm” in the opposite direction, it would be a long drive then, on the other hand, in the real world, there could be a long drive to the shop, hmm don’t know :D

Keep up the good work, as I started out, it’s one of the best maps to me out there atm.

@MrDpro merci bien je vais regarder les remarques que vous avez faites et voir pour la maj les améliorations que je peux apporter

thierry69 thierry69 ответил на комментарий к моду

This map is extremely well detailed! very good job! only thing i have noticed is a few floating trees!

@Maxvellan merci bien pour le travail j'ai commencer a corriger les arbres flottants