

3 подписчиков


whitevamp whitevamp прокомментировал мод

Please upload to a different site, that don't require you to register to download.

whitevamp whitevamp обновил мод
whitevamp whitevamp опубликовал мод
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whitevamp whitevamp ответил на комментарий к моду

Fixed: see my reply. FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_additionalGameSettings/scripts/AdditionalSettings.lua:1363: attempt to index nil with 'delete'

@whitevamp I have also added into uiColors.xml every color I could find for fs25 if you would like this file let me know. 1039 colors added.

whitevamp whitevamp ответил на комментарий к моду

Fixed: see my reply. FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_additionalGameSettings/scripts/AdditionalSettings.lua:1363: attempt to index nil with 'delete'

@whitevamp ok I fixed the error, by doing this. From line # 1358 - 1364 from file AdditionalSettings.lua
                    -- environmentXML:delete()
                    if environmentXML ~= nil then
                        print("Error: environmentXML is nil, unable to delete.")

        -- mapXML:delete()
        if mapXML ~= nil then
            print("Error: mapXML is nil, unable to delete.")

whitevamp whitevamp прокомментировал мод

Fixed: see my reply. FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_additionalGameSettings/scripts/AdditionalSettings.lua:1363: attempt to index nil with 'delete'

whitevamp whitevamp ответил на комментарий к моду

youtube link is gone.

@Leando thanks for the new link..  After looking at both URLs, There's a misspelling in the URL that you have in the discretion, you have Gyf38ckqegw ... see the yqeg it should be an upper case YQEG like this, GYf38ckQEGw otherwise you get "This video isn't available anymore" from the link in the description, but the link you gave is good, it took me to the home page, and I did find the correct vid.

whitevamp whitevamp прокомментировал мод

youtube link is gone.

whitevamp whitevamp прокомментировал мод

When placing a new building, and leveling out the ground, (I tried leveling out in two different ways, but the results are the same.

1. place a building and let it flatten out/ level the ground.


2. by sculpting the ground.

If you do 1. then remove it, and then drive a vehicle over it and the vehicle will be in the air, in different places.

Or if 2. no need to sell building, so just drive over it.

Tried in 2 different locations, same results. They are F79, right behind the small blue shed between the road, and pond.(354.4, 804, 1133) 2. F69, behind the silo that is on F80.(100, 1244, 1461) (I haven't had this issue, with other maps.)