Stubble Cultivator FS15

  • Stubble Cultivator FS15
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The goal of this script is to distinguish Stubble cultivator and standard.
This mod is fully dependent on choppedStraw mod, because it uses the same layer.
Chaff mod should be installed in the mod and used map should be ready choppedStraw. This script is a global mod, which is automatically added to any cultivator special tools. New Key (LCtrl + 8) allows you to switch between the standard disc cultivator and cultivator. When stubble cultivator is, the field is cultivated, but choppedStraw layer is maintained / added. When it’s gone, it uses the standard tiller. Known Issue: The field can not be grown using a helper after Stubble field because it is no longer perceived as sophisticated.

  • Yumi Contributor: Iceman 68