This it the Missouri map i converted over from FS13 to 15 and now to FS17
Has Chickens, Cows, Sheep and Pigs.
Has 7 Greenhouses, Crops are Tomato, Lettuce, Lemon, White Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Watermellon, and Colliflower.
Has 48 Apple Trees Bio Gas Plant Fermenting Silo Collect and sell your own milk.
most storrage buildings have lights new feed storage Fertilizer Building compost master.
Added Crops Oat, Rye, Cotton, SweetCorn, Peanuts, Tomato, Lettuce, Lemon, White Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Watermellon, Colliflower, apples.
BGA You Buy your animals at the LiveStock SaleBarn and sell them at the Slaughter house.
65 Fields
Has Chopped Straw.
!! Map is 4X !!