Bu Devam Eden Çalışma arşivlendi. Bu, uzun süre işlem yapılmamasından veya yazarın kararından kaynaklanabilir. Daha sonra tekrar güncellenip güncellenmeyeceğini bilemeyiz.
hello to all the maps and finished at 99% today or tomorrow she and finished after her she goes to test several days so in 1 week at 15 her and you
___________END __________
✔️ pig farm
✔️ cattle farm
✔️ sheep farm
✔️farm Equidae
✔️ wine farm
✔️coop 1
✔️coop 2
✔️village 1
✔️village 2
✔️village 3
✔️dealer 1
✔️dealer 2
✔️ sawmill
✔️additional culture
✔️script of fields
✔️light of buildings
hello there is still a good week of work to finish all this after that the maps go to test for several days or weeks !!
___________END __________
✔️ pig farm
✔️ cattle farm
✔️ sheep farm
✔️farm Equidae
✔️ wine farm
✔️coop 1
✔️coop 2
✔️village 1
✔️village 2
✔️village 3
✔️dealer 1
✔️dealer 2
✔️ sawmill
✔️additional culture
___________A FINISHES __________
✔️decoration 70%
✔️road 95%
✔️WATER 0%
✔️Fields 90%
✔️animation 98%
✔️forest 70%
___________TO DO __________
❌script of fields
Building light
Pedestrian and car piétsplines
❌adjusted the 3 2 log errors
MERCI à toi de me donner un souvenir d'enfance, Hâte de jouer avec et Bravo pour le travaille...