Bu Devam Eden Çalışma arşivlendi. Bu, uzun süre işlem yapılmamasından veya yazarın kararından kaynaklanabilir. Daha sonra tekrar güncellenip güncellenmeyeceğini bilemeyiz.
Hello everyone.
Here is the latest vacuum model modeling WIP
This week marks the end of the modeling of our RSP ESE 6 with the realization of the hoses and the nozzle, you have in photos an overview of the machine to give you a taste of it.
There will still be:
UV mapping (flattening the model to apply textures)
the rigging (realization of the skeleton of the vacuum cleaner which will allow the movements of the different components)
shinning (defined with what force the different parts will move)
Once these steps are completed, we will move on to the game.
In order to limit the number of wip and not to overwhelm you for nothing alone the textures and the game play you will be mounted which could cause delays in the WIP update on the site however, you may find more progress information on discord and / or Facebook
This concludes the modeling phase we hope you enjoy following the project as much as we did creating it.
Simulation more than a passion
bonjour s'il vous plait, réglez l'homme à tout sur aspiration ce qu'il y a de quoi il a besoin pour que le heckselgut nettoie le silo
RSP ESE6 Excavator Vacuum Truck
Hello everyone.
For this penultimate post on vacuum modeling, we're going to tell you about the vacuum cleaner crane
This week, our team worked on the model crane which allows, despite the fact that it is not finished, to get ideas on the finished project and to plan the different gameplay in which it can participate.
This crane is a bit special from a design point of view, as it only works with tie rods, which will give the animation a bit more work.
For the form here is the list of what has been achieved even if I think the result is visible to you:
-Creation of the main crane arm
-Creation of the secondary crane arm
-Creation of the third crane arm
-creation of flexible supports
The hoses and the hose allowing to suck the material will come next week which will conclude the modeling part of our vacuum cleaner.
A little more patience, the model will soon be in your hands.
Simulation more than a passion.