Beware Of Straw

  • Beware Of Straw
  • Beware Of Straw
  • Beware Of Straw
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This modification allows the straw to be drawn in by the header of the working combine. After being pulled in, it passes through the threshing machine again and is ejected in a smaller amount.
It is also possible that small amount of grain will be recovered when it passes through the combine again. However, it is not profitable. Therefore, be sure to raise the header. Otherwise, you may lose useful material.

For more information, full changelog, help, and report issues please visit GitHub.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - descVersion updated
    - fixed lua error while collecting vines/grapes

  • - new game screenshots
    - descVersion updated
    - new mod icon
    - cleaned code

  • Changelog ( :
    - new game screenshots
    - descVersion updated
    - improved mod icon

    Changelog ( :
    - improved and more clearly code
    - new game screenshots
    - descVersion updated
    - minor bugs fixed
    - new mod icon

  • - fixed lua error while collecting vines/grapes

  • - fixed lua error while harvesting maize/sunflower
    - merged code and deleted unnecessary files
    - descVersion updated

  • - Improved and more clearly code
    - Improved compatibility with Precision Farming

  • - descVersion updated
    - updated to patch 1.4.1

  • - descVersion updated
    - new modification icon
    - new features have been added (The straw comes out of the combine again, but in smaller amounts. There is also a chance that you will recover a small amount of the remaining grain from it.)

  • - corrected script naming
    - improved mod icon

  • VertexFloat