Additional Game Settings

  • Additional Game Settings
  • Additional Game Settings
  • Additional Game Settings
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This modification adds a new tab with settings to the pause menu.

Available settings:
- Changing the visibility of the interface,
- Changing the visibility of the crosshair,
- Changing the time format,
- Displaying the current date,
- Displaying the fade effect when switching cameras,
- Changing the visibility of dialog boxes,
- Displaying a fill indicator above the trailer,
- Changing the smoothness of the camera movement,
- Easier engine starting (starting the engine by pressing the accelerate key),
- Automatically starting savegame after loading is complete,
- Changing visibility of non mod/DLC items in the shop,
- Changing of the environment lighting,
- Changing of the depth of field setting,
- Changing the visibility of wild animals,
- Changing the camera collision behavior

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - Fixed a bug with the game crashing when the trailer fill indicator was visible

  • - Fixed an issue with loading saves on maps without added wild animals,
    - Added the ability to disable blinking notifications displayed in the center of the screen

  • - Fixed the error "Error: Can't load resource ''.", occurring when buying a stone collector,
    - Improved lighting settings,
    - Improved date settings,
    - Fixed problem with flashing fill indicator when changing camera

  • - added an option to change the color of the clock,
    - improved lighting settings
    - minor improvements

  • Rockstar