Johnston Brothers Modular Trailer

  • Johnston Brothers Modular Trailer
  • Johnston Brothers Modular Trailer
  • Johnston Brothers Modular Trailer
  • Johnston Brothers Modular Trailer
  • Johnston Brothers Modular Trailer
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Johnston Brother Modular Trailer

This is a Johnston flatbed trailer based on the same trailer that is used by Olly on Olly's farm.
It is a modular trailer in real life with 4 different variations, which have been modelled and implemented into the game.
This mod contains no shop configurations except for color and tire options because I wanted this trailer to represent it's real life counter part as much as possible
and as such each part is bought individually and can be attached and detached directly to the trailer in the game.

Regular flatbed -> Bale Loaders -> $11500
Livestock Module -> Animal Transport -> $7500
Forestry Module -> Forestry Equipment -> $2375
Bale Module -> Bale Loaders -> $1750

The Livestock Module can hold:
9 Cows
12 Sheep
16 Pigs

When you want to attach the Forestry Module and the Bale Module to the trailer you need to load them from the left side, there are some small icons on the pallets that shows how to.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - Added two types of beacon lights that can be mounted left, right and both sides
    - Added colourable rims

  • - Added tensionbelt configurations, None, EU, NA.

  • Jeytav