La Picarde Provençale

  • La Picarde Provençale
  • La Picarde Provençale
  • La Picarde Provençale
  • La Picarde Provençale
  • La Picarde Provençale
48 aboneleri
38 831

hello to all here is finally the official release of LaPicardeProvençale
some little information that you need to remember and that are important
respect the harvesting speed well otherwise if you go too fast you could lose up to 60% of the harvest
these similar concerning the sowing the plowing the pressing the silage it is necessary to respect the real speeds.
new tillage harvesting system and there is also the field to modify when I say field to modify these the hardness but you will see for yourself
very important concerning the pack provided do not especially update a single mod otherwise you will crash the maps completely if there are updates these me who will provide them to you

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • new fields
    new point of sale
    new factory
    new greenhouses

  • Hdf-Modding