Papers Factories

  • Papers Factories
  • Papers Factories
  • Papers Factories
  • Papers Factories
  • Papers Factories
  • Papers Factories
8 aboneleri
11 923

These factories can make papers.
You only need woodchips to start prducing.
Prices and the seasonal fluctuations are ready.
Each 50 liter of woodchips prduce 5 liter of papers.

This mod contains 3 factories, buyable woodchips pallets if you are not into logging and making woodchips and a sellpoint for selling the papers.

Papers Factory 2400:
- Price : 51.000$
- Cycle / month : 2400:
- Costs / month : 48$
- Storage : 100.000 liter of Woodchips. 10.000 liter of Papers (10 pallets).

Papers Factory 3600:
- Price : 68.000$
- Cycle / month : 3600
- Costs / month : 72$
- Storage : 200.000 liter of Woodchips. 20.000 liter of Papers (20 pallets).

Papers Factory 4800:
- Price : 85.000$
- Cycle / month : 4800
- Costs / month : 96$
- Storage : 300.000 liter of Woodchips. 30.000 liter of Papers (30 pallets).

Buyable Woodchips Pallet:
Price : 238$
Capacity : 2000 liter

Sellpoint For Selling The Papers and Other Products.
- Price : 0$

Have fun and happy farming.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - Changed the papers pallet weight from 760 kg to 260 kg.

    - Removed the old sellpoint (Grain sellpoint) and added a new one (Warning Stripes)
    to accept papers and other products.

    - Changed the woodchip pallet weight from 760 kg to 325 kg.

    - Fixed store icon warning logs and changed with new ones.

    - This update will not make you lose anything you replaced from the previous version
    not the factories, not the sellpoint and not even woodchips pallets that you've bought.

  • CaptnAro