John Deere série S600 LSW

  • John Deere série S600 LSW
  • John Deere série S600 LSW
  • John Deere série S600 LSW
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Bu modu talep edin
10 445

- 28 wheel configurations in 2WD or RWA variant
- 12 track configurations in 2WD or RWA variants
- 5 S600 series engine configurations (S690, S680, S670, S660, S550)
- 9 hopper configurations (8 static extensions + 1 standard folding extension)
- 4 tube configurations (tube length 6.9 m (22.5 ft) - 7.9 m (26 ft))
- 4 hitch extension configurations (no, standard, static extension, foldable extension)

New features :

- Fully realistic displays with all new power on animations, HUDs and dashboard numbers and animations
- Edited model for a more correct US version
- Realistic S600 drum sounds,
- 2nd monitor cropped and scripted for GPS display
- The spreader only works if you select windrow, if you select straw - The spreader folds up and turns off
- Lots of interior details like dashboard icons for beacons, light scenes, hazards, turn signals
- All grain tanks have separate filling volume with different capacity and shape, separate working lights


- Fully scripted interior (monitors, icons, lights, HUD)
- Animations Enable
- Enter animations
- Realistic physics
- Many moving parts with separate functions
- Hash table only works when unfolded
- All standard functions

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • JHHG