Here is the release of the next series of CC buildings.
There are two free stalls located in this mod.
There are two variations of these Free Stalls.
A black border and a white border.
These free stalls support slurry, milk and manure.
Free stalls are located in the animal enclosures tab.
-15 selectable colors that match any CC building. Changes with N when buying.
-3D tin siding and roofing
-Snow mask, concrete will freeze during winter storms
-Bullet trigger inside the feed corridor to the other side.
- In 3D game Parallax Concrete and garage doors
- Working fans powered by the electrical box.
-Work curtain powered by the electrical box.
-Cold weather garage doors with triggers on both sides
-Doors are for warmer weather
-You can throw straw or blow it into the pens.
-Wide feed aisle that will fit Duals and Semi's. Do NOT use a tipper, you will get stuck.
-300 head of cattle
- Straw: 75,000L/ Food: 250,000L/ Milk: 100,000L/ Liquid manure: 1,000,000L
-Solid manure must be with the manure heaps in the silo extensions. Works with any game or mod.