Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload

  • Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload
  • Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload
  • Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload
  • Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload
  • Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload
  • Trucks And Trailer With Pallet Autoload
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This mod includes two all-wheel-drive trucks with truck beds added to carry pallets. Both have support for Pallet Autoload by Achimobil. The mod also includes a trailer with support for Pallet Autoload.

Tatra Phoenix 6x6 Agro-Truck is a six wheel drive truck and MAN TGS18500 is a four wheel drive truck, both should be able to get you anywhere on your farm. Both trucks have an truck bed added to carry multiple pallets. The Brantner DD24073 trailer is also included in the mod.

This mod requires Pallet Autoload by Achimobil to also be downloaded and activated.

Tatra Phoenix 6x6 Agro-Truck:
Price: 129.000 $
Power: 462 hp
Max Speed: 80 kph

MAN TGS18500:
Price: 130.000 $
Power: 500 hp
Max Speed: 80 kph

Brantner DD 24073:
Price: 39.650 $

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - fixed missing elements

  • Dogface