Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction

  • Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction
  • Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction
  • Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction
  • Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction
  • Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction
  • Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT - TP/Construction
297 aboneleri
131 455

Join Newell_Gaming on Facebook to report issues, for quicker update information and news. Over 500 hours put into this map.. a donation is not required but would be appreciated.

-Zero errors, zero warnings
-Multifruit - Carrots, Lavender, Alfalfa, Clover, Rye, Hops, Cabbage, Hemp, Tobacco, Spelt, Millet, Onion, Triticale, Rice, Mustard, Buckwheat, Peas
-100 Collectibles
-122 fields (.061 ha to 29.25 ha)
-250 Farmlands (some productions bought with farmland)
-Has town with fields, sellpoints and productions
-TP Pits (WIP)
-25 Paintable Textures (Mountain Rock, River Mud, Concrete Brick, Cobblestone, Concrete Tiles, Gravel Dirt, Gravel Dust, Asphalt, etc.)
-Additional Paintable Foliages
-Additional Trees & Bushes Added to "Decorations"
-TP FillTypes (Dirt, Coal, Tailings, Lithium Ore, Crude Oil, Rubber, Tires, Asphalt, Concrete, etc.)
Liquid Nitrogen & Anhydrous compatible with Precision Farming
Realistic Seed Usage & Crop PH
Over 75 custom pallets
Over 250 total filltypes
All crop seed pallets

Intended for RolePlay & Customization with placeables.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Adjusted productions, added more custom pallets. Fixed oil pump unloading trigger. NO NEW SAVE NEEDED

  • Liquid Nitrogen & Anhydrous added as sprayTypes/compatible with Precision Farming
    Realistic Seed Usage & Crop PH for all crop
    Over 75 custom pallets
    Over 250 total filltypes
    All crop seed pallets

  • Clean log, no errors, no warnings
    More fields
    250 farmlands
    Added Collectibles

  • v7.3.2.3 -

    Added new fruit products (rice cakes, pancakes, buckwheat bread, buckwheat hull pillows, bagels, crackers, and more!
    All trailer homes are now placeables (27 can be sold)
    Added new products to sellpoints.
    More visual upgrades and file optimization
    Removed pallet spawner from kosher salt deposit
    Adjusted animal food
    Lowered parking spaces at Jongs1 and Dollar General
    Added alternate route to salt mine
    Removed floating car from above field 51, added parked cars to a few static locations.
    No more field shadows on PDA

    Added Salt deposit location and production (sea salt, kosher salt, flake salt, table salt) building and sheds in location can be sold. Salt deposit production can not be sold.
    Owned Productions now activated at game start.. Fish bait, both salt deposits, and the apple tree
    Fixed fieldGround xml path errors

    Fixed hemp & white cabbage
    Added cinnamon tree
    Added bagels, wheat bread, crackers and more.
    199 farmlands
    Added buckwheat, peas, rice (dry harvest), and mustard
    Added multiple terrain angles

  • v6.25.2.3 -
    Added tobacco, millet, spelt, and triticale as harvestable crop
    Improved textures for alfalfa, clover, hemp, onion, carrots, cabbage, red cabbage
    Removed trees from field on Mill Rd.
    Added Nitrogen requirements for multifruit
    Added extensive lavender production (lavender oil, soap, candles, blossoms, bouquets, potpourri)
    Cleared some warnings
    Increased land prices

    v6.24.2.3 -
    Added vehicles in shop +extras
    Now all fruit are harvestable with respective equipment (some textures WIP)

    v6.23.2.3 -
    Added entry ways and road through levy forest area
    Added object storage sheds to 7 farmlands
    More visual details
    Completed fillType icon additions
    Added Norm's Firewood
    Added "backyard mechanic" and Benny's as sellpoints
    Napa is now production point
    Fixed car parts pallet

    v6.21.2.3 -
    Fixed waterplane issue
    Added more visual details
    Added fishing holes with 6 fish types + Crayfish.
    Lowered floating containers by field 2
    No "errors", only warnings... No effect on gameplay.

    v6.20.2.3 -
    Fixed Grass windrow issue
    Added more visual details
    Platinum Expansion filltypes added (WIP)
    Majority of productions and animal pens bought with farmland now.
    Custom Soil map.. Precision Farming Ready
    Fixed Growth Calendar

    v6.18.2.3 -
    Added grain and corn dryer
    Field additions (100 fields total)
    125+ buyable farmlands
    Louisiana license plate added
    More NPCs added
    Grass and meadow now used for contract missions
    Map boundaries adjusted

    v6.16.2.3 -
    Added fermenting elevator to produce silage, fermented alfalfa, and fermented clover.
    Field additions
    Animal food adjustments
    Decorative fences added to animal dealer and mulchTech

    v6.15.2.3 -
    Added visual details to drag strip area.
    RV Park added
    New field and farm area
    Redesigning quarry area on Northeast side of river (WIP)
    Added elevator silo to northeast side of river.

    v6.14.2.3 - Cleared log errors, few remain. Fixed small texture path issues.

  • More productions, more sellpoints, more visual detailing.

  • -Updated TipCollisions. Now all materials can be tipped to group.

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