Australian Tanker Pack
Thanks to Tsa for the tank models/skins and Jfl for the chassis models
Fill Types: Diesel, water, milk, liquid fertilizer, liquid manure, digestate, herbicide
A trailer $35'000
Capacity 13'000
B Trailer $40'000
Capacity 24'000
Tank Options: White, Ampol, Bulk Fuels Australia, Caltex, Cleanaway, Emerald Carrying,
Hills, IOR, JJ Richards, Lowes, Marano's(North QLD), Puma, Shell, Toll, United, S&S Contracting(myself), Chrome
Fixed some shadder issues
Added Logos to chassis
Added Store Category
Changed Wheel Shapes File
Changed all mud flaps to black
Updated store Icons
Changed Fill and unload triggers on B trailer
shifted weigh on b trailer forward so when on dolly its not so tail end happy