Power plant and greenhouse

  • Power plant and greenhouse
  • Power plant and greenhouse
  • Power plant and greenhouse
5 aboneleri
15 772

The greenhouse produces tomatoes, lettuce and strawberries.
For greenhouse production you need: manure, herbicides, water and seeds.
Storage space for water: 200,000 L, manure 240,000 L, herbicides: 240,000 L, seeds: 240,000 L.
Price: 75015€

There is also a power plant, which is needed to generate electricity to run the greenhouse.
Required here: Diesel: 150,000, Digistate: 150,000, LIQUIDMANURE: 150,000, Silage: 150,000, Straw: 150,000, WOODCHIPS: 150,000, Manure 150,000.
all inputs are also individual outputs for power generation
Price: 75015€

Both productions also bring you money each month, so you have a double gain in this matter.

Have fun with the mod

News in the newspaper
Warning: shape of 'Kraftwerk' and GreenhouseBig, as the shape is quite big, but that's how big mods work. there is worse
this error only says it's too big for consoles, which doesn't interest me at all.

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