Same Deutz Fahr Sdf-Pack (6)145.4-(8)280

  • Same Deutz Fahr Sdf-Pack (6)145.4-(8)280
  • Same Deutz Fahr Sdf-Pack (6)145.4-(8)280
  • Same Deutz Fahr Sdf-Pack (6)145.4-(8)280
  • Same Deutz Fahr Sdf-Pack (6)145.4-(8)280
  • Same Deutz Fahr Sdf-Pack (6)145.4-(8)280
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22 685

In this pack you will find different tractors with different configurations and equipment.
To use all the possibilities, I recommend downloading Simple IC.
The tractors were physically adjusted by me.
This is V1, the pack will still be worked on.

The light has been revised, with low light set settings, the work lights are not visible.

I recommend playing around with the VCA script, it has an option that optimizes motor response. This ensures that with the adjusted motor values ​​the motor accelerates faster and therefore accelerates better from below.

If you find an error, please let me know.

Many thanks to Dachau_Agrar and mod testers Jonas, ls22_farmerjustiz, Zockerbrooo, Lanzfahrer_official, ls_pic_by_julian and pics_by_günter_lauch.

Characteristics :
- Price: €106,500
- Power: 156 - 171 hp

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • *Fix wrong wheelbase of 4 cylinder models.

    *New shop categories

    *Shop description adjusted

    *Reworked light

    *Simple IC adapted to the configurations

    *Added daytime running lights configuration

Gerekli modlar
  • GIANTS Software GmbH
  • LS_MHA_Modding