Hickory Valley

  • Hickory Valley
  • Hickory Valley
  • Hickory Valley
  • Hickory Valley
  • Hickory Valley
  • Hickory Valley
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Welcome to Hickory Valley

Here you will find 7 fields,
Fields 1 and 2 are 105+ acres
Fields 3 thru 6 are 18+ acres
Field 7 is 14+ acres

Map has
- 8 salepoints
- 6 production points
- 3 lime stations
- Chicken, Cow, Horse, Pig, and Sheep Pens
- Large Greenhouse
- Large Bee Hive with pallet spawner
- Water Station
- Animal Dealer has bale salepoint
- Traffic and parked cars, pedestrians
- 19 Windmills you own in new farmer mode
- AI splines are installed but dont always wanna work, they are lazy at times
- 100 Collectibles
- Start from scratch and all placeables are gone
- New Farmer Mode has huge lot of starting equipent

- Thank you HungryCow Design for the use of John Deere sign

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - Fixed Issue with Göweil Pack new bale types not working


    -Welcome to the new Hickory Valley
    Here you will find a newly redone landscape,
    Two new crops have been incorporated Alfalfa and Blackbean
    Twelve new Filtypes, This includes Soybean Straw, Compost and Ten other Materials
    New Productions include Steel,Aspalt,Stone Crusher plus as few others
    Train runs the outer part of map, fully usable, BGA has a loading only trigger for train,Also train has a sell all point and bale sell at animal dealer
    Field 7 removed Field 1 size reduced
    Pig,Cow,Sheep Pens edited for map and cover alot of ground and a capacity of 1000
    Chickens free roam farm area and hold 500, Horse Pen edited for map and holds 100
    Soybean new texture and grows in rows
    Corn,Potato and Sugarbeets also new textures from Taylor Farms
    New Sheds and new bale wrap also from Taylor Farms
    Added ability to make Straw from Corn,Sunflowers and Canola
    Pedestrians removed,Traffic Reworked
    Placeable Sawmill added

  • - Removed Boarder
    - Removed Windmills from outside map
    - Added Sell All Point

    - New Map added
    Has dealership, fuel and animal dealer
    No trees,cars,people
    Fields are the same
    Blank Map Feel

  • Poorboy