Lacotec Lh II

  • Lacotec Lh II
  • Lacotec Lh II
  • Lacotec Lh II
  • Lacotec Lh II
  • Lacotec Lh II
6 aboneleri
19 550

Lacotec (manual and automatic pipe):
- Price: 85,000 $
- Silage additives tank configurable
- Additional fire extinguisher
- Main color configurable

Kemper plus360:
- Price: 80,000 $
- Working speed: 8 kph
- Working width: 6 meters
- Required power: 510 hp
- Main color configurable

Kemper comfort support wheel:
- Price:2,000 $
- Main color configurable

Some Hints:
- The pipe is controlled via the front loader assignment, so it is advisable not to have a front loader attached when using the manual Lacotec.
- The indicators on the supportWheel are exchanged to use it on tractors with reverse driving.
- A version especially for the Claas Xerion 5000 is available for both Lacotecs, with this version the pipe is slightly higher to avoid a collision with the rotating beacons.
- The Combination is ment for using it on the backside of a Tractor with Reverse Driving.
- The Comfort-Supportwheel only is necessary for driving on the Street, detach bevor fielduse.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • - Bug where as soon as you extended the tube, the engine revolutions would increase when they shouldn't
    - Configuration added to Kemper plus360 to be able to drive with smaller tractors (unrealistic!)
    - Added color configuration for the grids (lhII and lhII_manual)
    - new Storeicon for Comfort-Supportwheel

  • - Kemper Supportwheel added
    - Kemper plus360 added
