Map of Ralle 4X

  • Map of Ralle 4X
  • Map of Ralle 4X
  • Map of Ralle 4X
  • Map of Ralle 4X
  • Map of Ralle 4X
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This is the FS22 version of the Ralle map that has been around since FS13!

A lot of things have been changed
She's 4X again
She is multifruit
She still has mistakes
Ex: the traffic is not yet functional, the fields are not individually purchasable yet (but it is working on it), sleeping is not possible either
it throws an error when finishing (for some reason I recommend 6k mode here)
She is capable of MP
Everything else works

Wizards work as they should, season mask is created

In short, a map with potential, which will be unlocked as updates are made.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Ralle AKA johndeere6800