SVC Gorbany

  • SVC Gorbany
  • SVC Gorbany
  • SVC Gorbany
  • SVC Gorbany
  • SVC Gorbany
  • SVC Gorbany
77 aboneleri
107 777

Most of the buildings are located on real sites, but objects and industries have been added to add variety to the gameplay.
I am very grateful to everyone for supporting my work. This was the last global update of the map; in the future, only updates can be released for which it will not be necessary to start a new save.
Unfortunately, the map is large and some problems may still arise. For information on solving problems that may arise during the game, I recommend contacting my telegram group, where there will be instructions on how to solve them!
ATTENTION! When first playing, the lighting may seem too dark at the beginning, but it's worth buying or renting something from the store to stabilize it!
If the map won't start or stops loading, check the list of mods you've used. Then start connecting them gradually. The map may not support some mods or conflict with them!

The card includes the following:
- Multi-layered terrain (360° soil);
- Diverse terrain;
- Changed textures of trees and foliage;
- 40 new primer paint textures;
- Changed lighting;
- Lime, manure, silage purchase station;
- Weighing stations;
- New crops: rye, buckwheat, peas, mustard, clover, alfalfa.
- 2 detailed mechanized yards for parking equipment with garages, sheds, lighting.
- 143 fields from 0.1 hectares to 235 hectares with contracts for hay harvesting.
- 181 plots for purchase.
- 5 huge purchasable forest plots.
- 2 gas stations.
- 3 farms.
- 11 points of sale.
- Support for DLC Precision Farming.
- Contracts have been changed to suit the Ukrainian economy, new prices for work and equipment rental.
- New owners of fields: contracts for large fields are given to agro companies, for small fields - people.
- Changed economy.
Large industries: Sawmill; Mill; Creamery; Sugar factory; Bakery; Seed plant; Two grain cleanings; Sawmill; Grain dryer; Dairy; Feed mill (feed for pigs, monomix and mineral feed); Biogas.
Small industries: Meadery, charcoal production, firewood production, fish farming, fish smoking, beekeeping.
- Cattle dealer.
- Points of sale of potatoes, beets, carrots, parsnips, red beets and forest;
- Unique movement of pedestrians and cars;
- A starter house that has bees, chickens, greenhouses, some sheep and a small firewood production. The house has a cellar and a grain storage bin. Sleep trigger.
Everything is located modestly and cozy.
Map translated into: English, Polish, German, French, Russian, Czech.

Many thanks for your help:

Misha Krutiy (economic balance, crop calendar, adjusting crops to the Ukrainian climate).
@Evgeniy Vitalievich (car driving courses).

P.S. There are QR codes on the card, scanning which will take you to my Telegram group.

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Changes:
    - fixed missing price for oil.
    - fixed home sleep trigger not working
    - fixed lack of collision on some sections of the road
    - bulk materials in quarries have been changed
    - fixed bugs with grass in construction mode
    - fixed initial lighting that was too dark and nights that were too light.
    - edited placement of triggers on the fertilizer container.
    - fixed the bunker at the base of the house (did not accept grain)
    - fixed the bunker in Chopilki, the tarpaulin did not open
    - flying objects have been removed.
    - added support for fertilizers and herbicides by Kalderone (there were problems with the last update)

    Some changes will take effect immediately, like with light and dark nights, while for others you will need to make certain manipulations so as not to start a new game.

    To save your save so you can fix any bugs that were fixed in the update, you will need to do the following steps:

    You need to perform all subsequent actions with two saves. Replace some save files with save files.

    Step #1 Delete the old version of the map and download the new version into the mods folder, this is very important, because if your map stops at 60% of the load, it means that your map is not on the standard path.

    Step #2 make a save in a new slot in the game, enter the game, save the game and exit the game completely.

    Before this manipulation, make a backup copy of your storage!!!

    Step No. 3, find the folder where your saves are located (located where the mods folder is) open the folder with the save. The name of the saves is savegame, the save number is the slot number in the game.

    Step #4 Find the file densityMap_height.gdm in save, copy it and replace it, paste it into save ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING SCALE ON THE SURFACE, COLLECT IT, OTHERWISE IT WILL SPIPE! We carry out this action to restore the quarry; previously there was bran in the peat quarry, and there was peat in the sand quarry.

    Also to fix, sleep trigger, bunker at home, bunker at Chopilki base, and fertilizer bunker at Chopilki.
    You need to open the placeables.xml file in the save and replace SOME of the terms with the terms in the save
    The placement blocks should be completely replaced for:
    The block starts with <placeable and ends with</placeable>

    For more detailed information or questions about saving transfers, please contact the official map game

  • - Added new lighting.
    -Economy edited.
    - Prices for new products have been edited.
    - Added flour and cereals for new crops.
    - Added production of different types of bread.
    - Edited CropRotation for new crops, including those from the new addition.
    - Added 15 purchased plots for your own construction (your own home).
    - Added new textures to plants.
    - Fixed the trigger for receiving straw in bales at the feed mill.
    - Added new production recipes.
    - Added stubble trampling.
    - And other small changes.
    - Added support for mods, some were built into the map, and some were downloaded from the modhub:

    - EnhancedAnimalSystem - enhanced animal husbandry system.
    - Production Revamp - The card runs on the Production Revamp mod, so you need to turn off and pause production, as you will be charged the appropriate monthly fee for idle time.
    - MudSystem - Mud system that adds realism, now rain is not the time to work in the field.
    - manureFix - manure output has been fixed.
    - advanced maintenance – advanced vehicle maintenance.
    - GrassMowing – the ability to mow grass from the first stage of growth.
    - IncreasedFuelUsage – realistic fuel consumption (regardless of the settings).
    - CropRotation - crop rotation translated and with added crops for SVK Gorbani.
    - DamageControl – reducing the level of wear and tear on vehicles at all difficulty levels by -50% by half.
    - airHoseConnectSound – the script adds sounds of connecting and disconnecting a hose to the game.
    - RealisticMilkingTime – Realistic milking time.

  • <html>
    <head><title>414 Request-URI Too Large</title></head>
    <center><h1>414 Request-URI Too Large</h1></center>

  • - fix flying objects on the map.
    - Significant optimization, reducing the distance of drawing objects, including large forests.
    - fix contracts for harvesting, now 100% of the contract is fulfilled.
    - Added collectibles.
    - fixing a bug on the grain dryer
    - fixed mustard and corn loading issue in house bunker.
    - Fixed an issue where it was impossible to pour mustard on the ground.
    - Adjusted production, capacity, production cost and production time (seed plant, grain refinery, bakery, oil plant)
    - fixed firewood production (pallets did not appear)
    - fixed fuel unloading trigger
    - increased feed loading trigger for biogas feed robot

    New save not required

  • - fix flying objects on the map.
    - Significant optimization, reducing the distance of drawing objects, including large forests.
    - fix contracts for harvesting, now 100% of the contract is fulfilled.
    - Added collectibles.
    - fixing a bug on the grain dryer
    - fixed mustard and corn loading issue in house bunker.
    - Fixed an issue where it was impossible to pour mustard on the ground.
    - Adjusted production, capacity, production cost and production time (seed plant, grain refinery, bakery, oil plant)
    - fixed firewood production (pallets did not appear)

    No new save needed

    The game implements the real economic situation in Ukraine and the CIS countries, all prices are changed to real ones, starting from the price, weight, grain volume, ending with the prices of animals, honey, and so on.
    Therefore, when launching the game, it will be wise to manage the initial budget. The prices of vehicles, crops, etc. have been reduced, except for the price of vehicles.
    The price of the fields is reduced by 13 times, so you can buy land, but you will have problems with the equipment that can work it. This increases the value of using old and cheap vehicles early in the game. Buying new imported equipment is now a luxury.

    The oil plant was moved, and a feed mill was built in its place.
    The economy was corrected for the Ukrainian one.
    - Changed lighting;
    - Fixed problem with plowing, lime, liquid and solid fertilizers, herbicides.
    When recording autodrive courses, many problems were found and corrected due to the terrain and the proximity of trees to fields

    - Starting house with bees, chickens, greenhouses, sheep and small wood production. The house has a cellar and a granary. Sleep trigger.
    Everything is modest and cozy.
    - New crops: rye, buckwheat, peas, mustard, clover, alfalfa.
    - Street and commercial lighting has been added to the entire map.
    - Replaced the road from the texture to the model.
    - Added a lot of details to brigade yards and enterprises.
    - Production of feed for pigs, monomixes and mineral feed.
    - Station for the purchase of lime, manure, silage;
    - Weigh Station;
    - Added 2 new villages.
    - Added a gas station where you will need to refuel / load fuel and carry fuel to the gas station, which is located in one of the two bases.
    Added gate animation to many garages.
    Added biogas.
    Added 2 new farms.
    Added more non-default paints in scheduler mode.

    In case of problems with the game, flickering, luminous equipment at night, some elements not working,

    In the game, the real economic situation of Ukraine and the CIS countries was realized, all prices were changed to real ones, starting from the price, weight, grain volume, to the price of animals, honey, and so on.
    Therefore, when starting the game, it will be wise to manage the initial budget. Prices for machinery, crops, etc. have been reduced except for the price of machinery.
    The price of fields has been reduced by 13 times, so you can buy land, but you will have problems with equipment that can process it. This adds to the value of using old and cheap vehicles early in the game. Buying new imported equipment is now a luxury.

    The oil plant was relocated, and a fodder production plant was installed in its place.
    The economy corrected under Ukrainian.
    - Changed lighting;
    - Fixed problem with plowing, lime, liquid and solid fertilizer, herbicide.
    During the recording of the autodrive courses, many problems were found and corrected due to the relief and the proximity of the trees to the fields

    - A starting house that has bees, chickens, greenhouses, some sheep, and a small wood production. The house has a cellar and a grain storage bin. Sleep trigger.
    Everything is modest and cozy.
    - New crops: rye, buckwheat, peas, mustard, clover, alfalfa.
    - Street and business lighting has been added to the entire map.
    - Replaced the road from the texture to the model.
    - A lot of details have been added to brigade yards and enterprises.
    - Production of feed for pigs, monomix and mineral feed.
    - Station for the purchase of lime, manure, silage;
    - Station weighing;
    - Added 2 new villages.
    - Added a gas station where you will need to refuel / load fuel and carry fuel to a gas station that is on one of the two bases.
    Added gate animation to many garages.
    Added biogas.
    Added 2 new farms.
    Added more non-default paints in scheduler mode.

    In case of problems with the game, flickering, luminous equipment at night, some elements not working,

  • Fixed a bug in the field generation script,
    Fixed crooked mowing of straw grass.
    Fixed "flat straw"
    Fixed air grain hovering effect.
    Bump fix on margins 57 and others reported!)
    Moved trees away from fields
    Fixed a non-working oil refinery purchase trigger
    Fixed hanging loading markers at the oil refinery and mill.

    Added productions:
    - Grain cleaning
    - Dairy

    Added traffic of pedestrians and cars.
    Changed the texture of grass and trees.
    Changed lighting.
    Added a huge village to the bottom of the map.

    Throw and write on the QR code that is located at the main base at the red workshop, so you will help me in the development, but while there are uneven terrain, and other little things, YOU NEED TO START A NEW CAREER!)))

  • - Correction of sharp uneven terrain
    - Fixed hanging objects
    - Added contracts for hay

    - Mill (Production)
    - Creamery (Production)
    - Sugar Factory (Production)
    - Bakery (Production)
    - Seed Plant (Production)
    - Grain Cleaning (Production)
    - Sawmill (Production)

    Added points of sale for potatoes, beetroot and forest
    Added new areas of the forest.

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