Electric Vehicle Pack

  • Electric Vehicle Pack
  • Electric Vehicle Pack
  • Electric Vehicle Pack
  • Electric Vehicle Pack
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Make (almost) all vehicles electric
all fuel consumption changed to roughly match HP to KW conversion
battery size set to consumption*5 should be a good balance between realistic and usable
all prices benefit from a price increase of approximately 5% to compensate for the lack of fuel costs
-removes all exhaust particles
-change all engine sounds to electric version
-suppress all reversing beeps
Not all vehicles have been tested as there are 116, so fixes will be released as they are tested.
big thanks to Louminia's Eco mod pack for the inspiration and for making a better mod than me, I just applied the changes made by Louminia for their mod to each vehicle

Değişiklik günlüğü
  • Tecknokitty
  • Louminia