Garbage collection point

  • Garbage collection point
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Garbage collection point
Here, city residents can drop off their trash, and you can pick it up and transport it to the recycling center.
Price: $5000
Daily maintenance $10
1| collection point, Brown glass, green glass, white glass, biomass, cardboard, waste and paper for required productions can be produced from bread and cheese in the collection point recycling yard

2 | At the recycling center, new glass bottles for the required production can be made or sold from amber glass, green glass, white glass and water.
Here you can burn garbage, paper, boxes from the collection point.

3 Composting | Hay, grass, biomass, empty pallets, lubricating grease, viola, wood chips, electric charge, manure, straw,
chopped material and maintenance, compost and altoil can be produced in the composting plant for required productions

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  • SidoxGamer