Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada

  • Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada
  • Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada
  • Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada
  • Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada
  • Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada
  • Okanagan Valley 16 km Oliver BC, Canada
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FS22 Okanagan Valley 16km Oliver BC, Canada V1.2
Build your own map, main highway and secondary roads to access the whole map, at an altitude of 2000 feet
No vehicles or farmland in any game mode, start from scratch, 1 base sell location, 1 gas station, 1 shop, 1 animal dealer, 1 oil pump.
Multifruits and multi productions (see photos)
The map comes with production and custom vehicles for extra fruit and production.
1 mining area, 2 large logging areas, one in a flat area, the other on a mountainside with a loading area to help with the new logging DLC.

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